Most of my adult life I have struggled with my weight. Your story is probably very similar to mine. I have tried every diet out there, taken every appetite suppressant known to man and bought every new weight loss gadget and gizmo on the market. Only to lose 5 or 10 pounds, then gain back 15 or 20 pounds each time. I have yo-yoed up and down the scale more times than I can count.
A little over three years ago, I hit 215 lbs and was having several obesity related issues. I had to do something. I was tired and sick all the time. I got winded doing the most minor things. Everything was a struggle, doing house work or playing with the kids seemed impossible at times. I had to lose weight and I had to keep it off this time. I had gotten to the - where my life depended on it.
I started researching nutrition and healthy weight loss. After a couple attempts I came up with a plan that I could follow and it really worked. I lost a total of 65 lbs. It took me almost 8 months to lose the weight and I have kept it off going on 2 years now.
Below are the simple guidelines that I followed to lose weight and if you follow the plan that I have set, you too can lose all the weight that you need to lose as well.
First there are a couple of things that we need to go over.
You have to keep in mind that you are NOT on a diet! This has to be a lifestyle change. You have to change your way of eating and thinking. You need to eat to live, not live to eat. I do not count calories or restrict myself from any foods. The more you tell yourself that you can't have a certain type of food, the more likely you are to set yourself up for failure.
I had to rediscover what a correct portion is. I will give you an idea what correct portion size is. First, I suggest that you invest in a good food scale, measuring cups and spoons. As a nation, we've lost track of what a sensible portion size is supposed to be. For example, in the 80's the average fast food soft drink size was about 12 oz. today it is a whopping 32 oz. The average serving at most restaurants today is actually enough to feed at least 2 people.
Use everyday items to recognize what a sensible portion really is.
A 3 oz piece of meat is about the size of a deck of cards. A large bagel is about the size of a DVD. A small side dish such as cole slaw is about the size of a computer mouse. A cup of rice about the size of a tennis ball. And a normal size baked potato the size of a light bulb. It is very important to know correct portion size. Make sure to check the package to see what the correct serving size is and if it says a cup of spaghetti is 1 serving make sure you serve yourself 1 cup and not 2 or 3 cups. As you get to know correct portions it will become easier to judge. And remember those ever important scales and measuring utensils.
Snack time is very important role in losing weight in a healthy way. I am not talking about, wolfing down a bag of chips or half a pizza. Choose healthy snacks. Such as fat-free milk and cheeses, fruits and veggies, fat-free popcorn, a cup of vegetable soup, etc. There are many choices, try to make wise decisions. If you have a midday snack it will prevent you from over or a rumbling in your stomach
I always struggled with eating breakfast then by the time lunch came around I felt as if I was starving. I would eat until I was miserable. It is not healthy to skip meals, food is fuel to keep your body going strong. You need to eat to keep your metabolize in check. Just like your car, if you don't have fuel you are not going to be able to go anywhere. Keep your body fueled and ready to go.
Your body sends you signals when you are hungry and when you are full. You have to recognize and respond to them. By learning your signals, you'll begin to know exactly when it is time to eat and when it time to stop. When your stomach is empty, you may experience an empty feeling. If you do not eat you may get light-headed or a bit nauseated. Your energy levels will decrease and you may start to have trouble concentrating. When you have had the appropriate amount to eat, you will feel your hunger feeling disappear. Your stomach will feel satisfied and content. And you will not feel like eating anymore. However, if you overeat your stomach will feel full, bloated and uncomfortable, as if you are about to burst. To help you realize when you are full you need to stop, rest and assess. I have found that it helped me to use what I call the half meal deal. I will divide my meal in half. Eat the first half, stop, rest for a couple minutes then decide if I really need or want the rest of the meal. As well as not over eating you don't want to get too hungry either. That will only cause you to overeat. Remember, snack time!
Are you really hungry or are you upset, bored or just know that the food taste really good? That was another of my problems. I was an emotional eater, a bored eater, and I LOVE THE TASTE OF FOOD! Decide if you are hungry or if you need emotional satisfaction.
Just like with any addiction, you have to take things one day at a time. If you slip, it is not the end of the world. Don't beat yourself up. It will happen from time to time. That is no reason to give up on all the good you have done. Get right back on track as soon as possible. Stick to the plan and feel good about yourself and your successes. No matter how small. And I am not just talking about scale related successes. Some victories are not related to the amount of weight you have lost. A few examples of non-scale victories are. Loss of inches, being able to fit into a pair of pants that haven't fit for a while, exercising 3 times a week, passing up your favorite dessert, because you know that you are no longer hungry. It can be as little as drinking a glass of water instead of cola. Or as little as giving yourself a well deserved pat on the back.
Set goals for yourself, both mini and long term. Set daily, weekly, monthly, and lifetime goals. Give yourself rewards for meeting your goals. Not food rewards. We all were told, if you finish all your food you can have dessert. You need to break free of that mindset. Set your goals and rewards in writing. If you set a goal of losing 2 lbs in a week and you meet that goal, treat yourself to an amazing new shade of nail polish or a new book from your favorite author. Rewards don't have to be expensive. Just make your rewards something that you will enjoy. If you are into scrap booking, then visit you local craft store and reward yourself with a treat that you will enjoy.
Now for my personal guidelines that have help me accomplish my goal of losing 65 lbs and keeping it off for the last 2 years. I am confident that I will be able to keep the weight for the rest of my life following these simple guidelines.
EAT AT LEAST 5 SERVINGS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EACH DAY- Fruits and veggies are full of fiber, water, vitamins and minerals. They add bulk to your meal with few calories. If you weight over 350 raise the amount to 9 servings a day. A serving of fruit or vegetables is usually about ½ cup, except for green leafy veggies which are generally 1 cup. Add vegetables to sauces, scrambled eggs, meatloaf etc.
CHOOSE WHOLE-GRAIN FOODS WHEN POSSIBLE- Try to make at least half of the grains that you eat whole-grain. Choose wheat, oat, or multi-grain breads instead of white. brown rice over white rice, and whole-wheat pasta instead of regular pasta. Whole-grain is healthy for you because it is packed with nutrients including fiber. Which we all know, helps you feel more satisfied by adding bulk to your diet. I add a fiber supplement to my coffee in the morning and I also add it to my spaghetti sauce and soups etc. anything that it will mix into well. My favorite is BENEFIBER, it has no taste to it at all, which makes it easy to sneak it into the kids food.
INCLUDE AT LEAST 2 SERVINGS OF DAIRY EACH DAY- If you are over 50, a teenager, a nursing mother or if you weigh over 250 lbs. you need at least 3 servings each day. Dairy products supply your body with needed protein, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin D and calcium. Which may give added protection against colon cancer, and high blood pressure. If you are lactose intolerant, you still have many options. Look for lactose-free or reduced products.
DRINK WATER! AT LEAST 6-8 GLASSES A DAY- I can not express how important water is to healthy weight loss. You can count caffeine-free, sugar-free beverages, like caffeine -free teas, sugar-free lemonade, crystal light is a great brand and so convenient. (SEE ARTICLE BELOW)
MAKE SURE YOU GET ENOUGH PROTEIN- Pick protein rich foods that are low in fat, such as lean meats, skinless poultry, fish and eggs. You will feel more satisfied and eat less with one or two servings of protein a day.
LIMIT ADDED SUGAR AND ALCOHOL- Medical experts recommend no more than 1 alcoholic beverage a day for women and 2 a day for men. It's okay to have a couple of drinks from time to time but they are filled with empty calories. The same for sugary foods, so limit them for special evenings.
TAKE A MULTI-VITAMIN MINERAL SUPPLEMENT EVERY DAY- There are lots to choose from. Most store brands are just as good as the expensive name brands. Look for a supplements that have no more than 100% of the recommended daily value. I recommend a pre-natal vitamin. Ask your pharmacist for a recommendation.
Sabtu, 04 November 2017
Jumat, 20 Oktober 2017
Weight Gain and Weight Loss - the Psychological Ramifications
With roughly the same amount of food being available to all of us in our society, why do some people end up with weight problems while others don't? And moreover, why are some of us able to lose weight and change our lifestyle relatively easily, while others hold onto their excess weight? There are about three different answers to those questions. The first is physical - some of us have a faster metabolism than others. We just burn calories faster, so any weight that we do gain is quickly lost. The second answer is behavioral - this refers to the habits we have picked up over the years. If we have bad eating habits, they can be changed, but until they are, we are likely stuck with any weight that we do gain.
The third variable is psychological, and it may even be the most powerful determinant for who will be able to lose weight and who won't. Many of us have a psychological basis for our weight gain or weight loss. Until the psychological issues are dealt with, weight loss may well prove impossible. Once the person deals with these issues, however, weight loss may occur quickly and easily, even if you aren't trying to lose weight.
In a sense, it is natural that food and weight might be linked to psychological issues, because food is also linked to childhood and our relationship with our mothers. This is the earliest and most potent psychological reality. Think about what your mother taught you about food. Did she show love by giving you food? Or did she withhold food, out of a concern about weight gain (many mothers in the 1950s and 60s did this, as thinness was considered important). Chances are, the way in which your mother dealt with food has a bearing on how you deal with it and what you feel about it. If your mother used food to show love, you might have a problem dieting or restricting food, because restricting how much you eat makes you feel unloved. On the other hand, if your mother controlled your food intake and you felt the need to rebel against her rules, you might still be rebelling by eating too much - even as an adult!
It can be more complicated than that, though. How do you feel when you think about losing weight? Some of us love the idea before it starts to happen, but when it does, we get scared and start to sabotage are own weight loss plans. The fact is that you may have a vested interest in holding on to your excess weight. It may be doing something for you, in a sense - for example, it may be hiding the 'real you' from the world, and protecting you. For women in particular, carrying excess weight means that they will be less attractive to men, and this can be a way of avoiding relationships. People who have experienced abuse in the past may use this as a way of hiding. On the other hand, people might also want to hold on to weight (on a subconscious level, of course) because the world seems like a dangerous place, and they are afraid of getting swept away. Having excess weight on your body makes you bigger, literally; you may feel better equipped ot deal with the dangers of the world if you are heavier.
Most of these fears and desires take place on a subconscious level only. What you are consciously experiencing is a lot different - you might think that your are really trying to lose weight, but not succeeding. You might even conclude that you 'can't' lose weight, for whatever reason. In many cases, just recognizing that you have a psychological basis of your weight gain may be enough for you to let go of it. You can make the shift, and the weight will suddenly start to come off easily, even spontaneously.
On the other hand, you may not be able to get past these issues on your own, especially if they have to do with the past - with a history of abuse, for example. You may need to seek counseling in that case, and though this can be challenging work, the end result is always worth it - not just weight loss, but regaining a positive sense of self.
The third variable is psychological, and it may even be the most powerful determinant for who will be able to lose weight and who won't. Many of us have a psychological basis for our weight gain or weight loss. Until the psychological issues are dealt with, weight loss may well prove impossible. Once the person deals with these issues, however, weight loss may occur quickly and easily, even if you aren't trying to lose weight.
In a sense, it is natural that food and weight might be linked to psychological issues, because food is also linked to childhood and our relationship with our mothers. This is the earliest and most potent psychological reality. Think about what your mother taught you about food. Did she show love by giving you food? Or did she withhold food, out of a concern about weight gain (many mothers in the 1950s and 60s did this, as thinness was considered important). Chances are, the way in which your mother dealt with food has a bearing on how you deal with it and what you feel about it. If your mother used food to show love, you might have a problem dieting or restricting food, because restricting how much you eat makes you feel unloved. On the other hand, if your mother controlled your food intake and you felt the need to rebel against her rules, you might still be rebelling by eating too much - even as an adult!
It can be more complicated than that, though. How do you feel when you think about losing weight? Some of us love the idea before it starts to happen, but when it does, we get scared and start to sabotage are own weight loss plans. The fact is that you may have a vested interest in holding on to your excess weight. It may be doing something for you, in a sense - for example, it may be hiding the 'real you' from the world, and protecting you. For women in particular, carrying excess weight means that they will be less attractive to men, and this can be a way of avoiding relationships. People who have experienced abuse in the past may use this as a way of hiding. On the other hand, people might also want to hold on to weight (on a subconscious level, of course) because the world seems like a dangerous place, and they are afraid of getting swept away. Having excess weight on your body makes you bigger, literally; you may feel better equipped ot deal with the dangers of the world if you are heavier.
Most of these fears and desires take place on a subconscious level only. What you are consciously experiencing is a lot different - you might think that your are really trying to lose weight, but not succeeding. You might even conclude that you 'can't' lose weight, for whatever reason. In many cases, just recognizing that you have a psychological basis of your weight gain may be enough for you to let go of it. You can make the shift, and the weight will suddenly start to come off easily, even spontaneously.
On the other hand, you may not be able to get past these issues on your own, especially if they have to do with the past - with a history of abuse, for example. You may need to seek counseling in that case, and though this can be challenging work, the end result is always worth it - not just weight loss, but regaining a positive sense of self.
Minggu, 08 Oktober 2017
How to Personalize A Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan to Suit Your Needs and Lifestyle
No matter how many stars swear by it, a weight loss diet plan will always be something women can't stick to for an eternity.
Women who gained their weight back weeks after trying a new diet are not failures. They failed to keep those pounds off because they failed to plan.
Planning is essential in any effective, healthy weight loss plan. It is, therefore, important prior to formulating your diet plan to plan prior to it.
Consider losing weight as a journey, something that you should enjoy along the way. It should not be a struggle. If you feel tired of not succeeding, you may want to rethink your plan and look for something that will work. And it all starts by you knowing the answers to these questions.
What do I really need to lose? An effective, healthy weight loss plan is clear about what it needs to achieve. Just as you set that you need to lose this xx number of pounds, you need to determine how much you really need to lose to achieve your healthy weight -- and not really just what you desire.
Has your doctor advised you that you need to lose weight? Then you ask him by how much.
Women who are obese and overweight need to go to weight loss centers for help. Why? Because health experts strongly believe that people with a lot of weight to lose will greatly benefit from supervised and structured weight loss diet plans.
If you just need to lose those few extra pounds, you may want to do controlled portion sizes simply to cut calories.
What is my weight loss personality? Losing weight is not only about portion sizes and learning how to control those urges. Your personality, who you are, and your genes have play important roles in determining your chances of achieving your weight loss goals faster.
Impulsive eaters will need to accept the fact that a pint of Ben & Jerry's is a threat to what they have been worked for. Totally eliminating these temptations -- or the chances that you'll bump into these food -- increases your chances of succeeding. Those with tenacious personalities, on the other hand, will have no problem losing weight.
By simply knowing your personality, you can choose a diet and schedule that will fit your tendencies and conquer those unproductive inclinations.
A diet that will make you feel that every day is a struggle will never work. Choose a weight loss diet plan that feels good, one that comes and feels naturally. Losing weight shouldn't be a struggle for you or your family. It may be difficult but it shouldn't be that hard.
What are my goals? When it comes to effective weight loss diet plans, what separates those who succeed from those who have just temporarily fit into their swimsuits is their commitment and dedication to achieve what they have set their minds into. So before you jump into expensive weight loss programs, ask yourself, "Am I really ready to do this?" Where does your motivation come from? How will I deal with occasional setbacks?
These are but some of the issues and questions that you need to deal first before you commit to programs that will help you lose weight. Are you really that committed to shaking those fats permanently?
Source that inspiration within; you cannot achieve your weight loss goals if your reason for doing it in the first place is the pressure to be thin.
Women who gained their weight back weeks after trying a new diet are not failures. They failed to keep those pounds off because they failed to plan.
Planning is essential in any effective, healthy weight loss plan. It is, therefore, important prior to formulating your diet plan to plan prior to it.
Consider losing weight as a journey, something that you should enjoy along the way. It should not be a struggle. If you feel tired of not succeeding, you may want to rethink your plan and look for something that will work. And it all starts by you knowing the answers to these questions.
What do I really need to lose? An effective, healthy weight loss plan is clear about what it needs to achieve. Just as you set that you need to lose this xx number of pounds, you need to determine how much you really need to lose to achieve your healthy weight -- and not really just what you desire.
Has your doctor advised you that you need to lose weight? Then you ask him by how much.
Women who are obese and overweight need to go to weight loss centers for help. Why? Because health experts strongly believe that people with a lot of weight to lose will greatly benefit from supervised and structured weight loss diet plans.
If you just need to lose those few extra pounds, you may want to do controlled portion sizes simply to cut calories.
What is my weight loss personality? Losing weight is not only about portion sizes and learning how to control those urges. Your personality, who you are, and your genes have play important roles in determining your chances of achieving your weight loss goals faster.
Impulsive eaters will need to accept the fact that a pint of Ben & Jerry's is a threat to what they have been worked for. Totally eliminating these temptations -- or the chances that you'll bump into these food -- increases your chances of succeeding. Those with tenacious personalities, on the other hand, will have no problem losing weight.
By simply knowing your personality, you can choose a diet and schedule that will fit your tendencies and conquer those unproductive inclinations.
A diet that will make you feel that every day is a struggle will never work. Choose a weight loss diet plan that feels good, one that comes and feels naturally. Losing weight shouldn't be a struggle for you or your family. It may be difficult but it shouldn't be that hard.
What are my goals? When it comes to effective weight loss diet plans, what separates those who succeed from those who have just temporarily fit into their swimsuits is their commitment and dedication to achieve what they have set their minds into. So before you jump into expensive weight loss programs, ask yourself, "Am I really ready to do this?" Where does your motivation come from? How will I deal with occasional setbacks?
These are but some of the issues and questions that you need to deal first before you commit to programs that will help you lose weight. Are you really that committed to shaking those fats permanently?
Source that inspiration within; you cannot achieve your weight loss goals if your reason for doing it in the first place is the pressure to be thin.
Sabtu, 30 September 2017
3 Reasons to Go on a Healthy Weight Loss Diet, Even If You're Satisfied With How You Look
Why do you think most people want to lose weight?
Honestly, most want to lose weight because of how they look. But what if you're overweight and are happy with how you look anyway? Is being fat acceptable?
Healthy Weight Loss Diet Reason #1: Cardiovascular disease
In addition to putting more stress on your knees and hips, being overweight puts a tremendous amount of strain on your heart. For one, it has to pump much more blood around your body, which can definitely cause it to be fatigued.
Also, the blood vessels in your body become stretched and thinner. Speaking of blood vessels, overweight people have higher bad cholesterol than thinner people, which means plaque builds up on their vessel walls.
This means more work on the heart, and can cause heart attack and stroke. Stroke is especially possible if you have high blood pressure, another result of being overweight.
A stroke occurs when your brain does not receive enough oxygen. This is because some plaque on the artery walls has broken loose and lodged in an artery that leads to the brain. This means reduced blood flow to the brain; hence, less oxygen.
Healthy Weight Loss Diet Reason #2: Pregnancy issues
Overweight women who want to get pregnant face a lot of issues that their thinner counterparts don't. For example, being overweight alters your hormone balance. This means you might not be able to ovulate and, if you do get pregnant, there's a higher chance of having a miscarriage.
Several other complications are possible if you're overweight and pregnant. Being overweight means you might have a baby that's larger than normal. This means you'll almost certainly have to have a cesarean section, rather than a natural, vaginal birth.
Healthy Weight Loss Diet Reason #3: Everyday life issues
OK, we all know that being overweight is hazardous to your health, but what about other areas of life? Is being overweight just a nuisance, or are there more serious considerations?
Well, as of this writing, a famous Hollywood director was asked to get off an airplane because he was too fat to fit in a seat. Public transportation just does not cater to obese people.
Also, what about the seats in movie theaters? Those are so small that I've seen people who were just a little overweight having trouble fitting.
Ironically, I went to dinner with a couple fairly recently who were both obese, but the man was severely obese. The restaurant had to bring out a special bench just for him. Can you say embarrassing?
What about clothing? Lots of times clothes for heavier people are more expensive and harder to find than regular size clothing. I've known people who had to have their clothes specially made.
Honestly, most want to lose weight because of how they look. But what if you're overweight and are happy with how you look anyway? Is being fat acceptable?
Healthy Weight Loss Diet Reason #1: Cardiovascular disease
In addition to putting more stress on your knees and hips, being overweight puts a tremendous amount of strain on your heart. For one, it has to pump much more blood around your body, which can definitely cause it to be fatigued.
Also, the blood vessels in your body become stretched and thinner. Speaking of blood vessels, overweight people have higher bad cholesterol than thinner people, which means plaque builds up on their vessel walls.
This means more work on the heart, and can cause heart attack and stroke. Stroke is especially possible if you have high blood pressure, another result of being overweight.
A stroke occurs when your brain does not receive enough oxygen. This is because some plaque on the artery walls has broken loose and lodged in an artery that leads to the brain. This means reduced blood flow to the brain; hence, less oxygen.
Healthy Weight Loss Diet Reason #2: Pregnancy issues
Overweight women who want to get pregnant face a lot of issues that their thinner counterparts don't. For example, being overweight alters your hormone balance. This means you might not be able to ovulate and, if you do get pregnant, there's a higher chance of having a miscarriage.
Several other complications are possible if you're overweight and pregnant. Being overweight means you might have a baby that's larger than normal. This means you'll almost certainly have to have a cesarean section, rather than a natural, vaginal birth.
Healthy Weight Loss Diet Reason #3: Everyday life issues
OK, we all know that being overweight is hazardous to your health, but what about other areas of life? Is being overweight just a nuisance, or are there more serious considerations?
Well, as of this writing, a famous Hollywood director was asked to get off an airplane because he was too fat to fit in a seat. Public transportation just does not cater to obese people.
Also, what about the seats in movie theaters? Those are so small that I've seen people who were just a little overweight having trouble fitting.
Ironically, I went to dinner with a couple fairly recently who were both obese, but the man was severely obese. The restaurant had to bring out a special bench just for him. Can you say embarrassing?
What about clothing? Lots of times clothes for heavier people are more expensive and harder to find than regular size clothing. I've known people who had to have their clothes specially made.
Minggu, 10 September 2017
Weight Loss Diets for Men - Important Facts You Need to Know
Diets were never a man's thing. The word "diet" almost has a feminine claim to it that men don't like to consider themselves as being "on a diet", even if they are trying to cut their portions so they can lose the extra pounds. They were better off using exercise to lose those extra pounds. Lifting weights, running, bicycling-- all these were more masculine and hence had more appeal. If you closely looked at weight loss programs, you'd notice that a lot of them use female models, utilize female facts and paraded female success stories.
You could perhaps blame it on man's physiological makeup. By nature, men could burn off fat easily because their metabolisms work faster. They also lead more active lifestyles, especially where sports are concerned. And because of this, they need more calories. Hence, they can never live on the tightly controlled, thinly-sliced portions on women's weight loss diets.
But times are changing. Whether you have Hollywood to thank for that by showing extremely ripped bodies of Brad Pitt in Troy or the growing vanity brought about by the steady commercialization of the multibillion dollar fitness industry, the truth of the matter is that men are now, hold on to your seats, dieting! Even if they don't like to admit that what they're doing is dieting, they are now very conscious about buying smaller plates, eating smaller meals and weighing themselves on the bathroom every now and then.
You can't blame them. After all, men are not spared the bulging midsections brought about by sedentary lifestyles and overeating. Hypertension, diabetes and other cardiovascular considerations are also enough reasons to get them to be concerned about what they eat. But do weight loss diets for men really exist?
It's really a difficult question to answer. The most common diets practiced today (Atkins, South Beach, GI Diets) weren't specifically tailored for men. South Beach was originally developed by Dr. Agatston for his heart patients. GI Diets are based on the glycemic value of foods rather than on gender considerations. And while Atkins seem like the ideal diet for men because it allows lots of room for mayo, red meat and butter creams, the high-protein low fat content of the diet still poses a lot of unresolved health issues.
Losing weight, whether for health or aesthetic reasons, is always a worthy goal. Thus, the more important issue is whether there is a particular weight loss diet for men. For men, any diet that focuses on eating a well-balanced meal from a variety of food sources, drinking lots of water and spreading out the meals taken everyday, is the weight loss diet. It does not mean severely limiting portions to the point of hunger, but it means cutting down a bit. If the voracious eater in you used to eat one big slab of steak at dinner, dieting means halving it down gradually until you get used to only one the size of a deck of cards. If you were used to eating 3 main meals a day all with huge portions, dieting means spreading out your meals 6 times with smaller servings. If you usually snacked on a box of donuts, dieting means snacking on half the box, then a fourth, until you get used to only one donut or none at all. While you do have to quit on the soda if you really want to lose weight, dieting means consuming smaller portions while replacing it with healthier alternatives (like fruit smoothies) until you don't crave for it anymore.
You could perhaps blame it on man's physiological makeup. By nature, men could burn off fat easily because their metabolisms work faster. They also lead more active lifestyles, especially where sports are concerned. And because of this, they need more calories. Hence, they can never live on the tightly controlled, thinly-sliced portions on women's weight loss diets.
But times are changing. Whether you have Hollywood to thank for that by showing extremely ripped bodies of Brad Pitt in Troy or the growing vanity brought about by the steady commercialization of the multibillion dollar fitness industry, the truth of the matter is that men are now, hold on to your seats, dieting! Even if they don't like to admit that what they're doing is dieting, they are now very conscious about buying smaller plates, eating smaller meals and weighing themselves on the bathroom every now and then.
You can't blame them. After all, men are not spared the bulging midsections brought about by sedentary lifestyles and overeating. Hypertension, diabetes and other cardiovascular considerations are also enough reasons to get them to be concerned about what they eat. But do weight loss diets for men really exist?
It's really a difficult question to answer. The most common diets practiced today (Atkins, South Beach, GI Diets) weren't specifically tailored for men. South Beach was originally developed by Dr. Agatston for his heart patients. GI Diets are based on the glycemic value of foods rather than on gender considerations. And while Atkins seem like the ideal diet for men because it allows lots of room for mayo, red meat and butter creams, the high-protein low fat content of the diet still poses a lot of unresolved health issues.
Losing weight, whether for health or aesthetic reasons, is always a worthy goal. Thus, the more important issue is whether there is a particular weight loss diet for men. For men, any diet that focuses on eating a well-balanced meal from a variety of food sources, drinking lots of water and spreading out the meals taken everyday, is the weight loss diet. It does not mean severely limiting portions to the point of hunger, but it means cutting down a bit. If the voracious eater in you used to eat one big slab of steak at dinner, dieting means halving it down gradually until you get used to only one the size of a deck of cards. If you were used to eating 3 main meals a day all with huge portions, dieting means spreading out your meals 6 times with smaller servings. If you usually snacked on a box of donuts, dieting means snacking on half the box, then a fourth, until you get used to only one donut or none at all. While you do have to quit on the soda if you really want to lose weight, dieting means consuming smaller portions while replacing it with healthier alternatives (like fruit smoothies) until you don't crave for it anymore.
Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017
Tracking Your Foods: The Way of Weight Loss Diet for Women Works
When you first start your weight loss diet for women one of many things you will learn right away is that maintaining a food journal is very helpful. Tracking all of the meals you eat may help you figure out which foods you will be eating as well as which foods you are not eating enough of. For example, after maintaining a food journal for a few days, you might see that you are not consuming very many vegetables but that you are consuming lots of sugar and bad carbohydrates. Writing all of it down will help you see specifically which parts of your diet plan really need to change as well as how much exercise you are going to need to do to make sure that you keep your caloric intake in check.
But what happens if you've been writing every little thing down and still aren't reducing your weight? There is a correct way and a completely wrong way to observe your food. A food journal is a lot more than just a simple list of the foods you eat during a day. You must write down other important pieces of information as well. Here are some points that you can employ to help your food tracking be more successful.
Be as specific as possible get when you write down the things you eat. It is just not enough to list "salad" in your food journal. You must record all of the components within that salad as well as the type of dressing on it. You must also include the amounts of the foods you eat. "Cereal" is just not as good an entry as "one cup Honey Nut Cheerios." It is very important to keep in mind that the larger your helpings, the more calories you will be eating so you need to know just how much of every thing you actually eat so that you can figure out how many calories you will need to work off.
Write down precisely what time of day it is when you eat. This will help you figure out precisely what times of day you feel the most hungry, when you usually reach for snacks and then you can learn how to deal with those times. You'll see, for example, that although you eat lunch at the exact same time every day, you also--without fail--start to snack as little as an hour later, every day. You should also be able to discover whether or not you happen to be eating due to the fact you're bored. This is important in a weight loss diet for women mainly because, once they are identified, you can find alternative ways to fill those moments than with unhealthy foods.
Record your spirits when you eat. This can show you whether or not you use meals to solve emotional issues. It may also identify the foods you choose when you are in certain moods. Many people will reach for junk foods whenever we are disappointed, angry or depressed and will be more likely to choose healthier options when we are happy or content. When you pay attention to how you eat during your different moods and mental states, you will be able to keep similar but healthier choices around for when you need those snacks--you might also start talking to someone who can help you figure out why you try to cure your moods with food.
But what happens if you've been writing every little thing down and still aren't reducing your weight? There is a correct way and a completely wrong way to observe your food. A food journal is a lot more than just a simple list of the foods you eat during a day. You must write down other important pieces of information as well. Here are some points that you can employ to help your food tracking be more successful.
Be as specific as possible get when you write down the things you eat. It is just not enough to list "salad" in your food journal. You must record all of the components within that salad as well as the type of dressing on it. You must also include the amounts of the foods you eat. "Cereal" is just not as good an entry as "one cup Honey Nut Cheerios." It is very important to keep in mind that the larger your helpings, the more calories you will be eating so you need to know just how much of every thing you actually eat so that you can figure out how many calories you will need to work off.
Write down precisely what time of day it is when you eat. This will help you figure out precisely what times of day you feel the most hungry, when you usually reach for snacks and then you can learn how to deal with those times. You'll see, for example, that although you eat lunch at the exact same time every day, you also--without fail--start to snack as little as an hour later, every day. You should also be able to discover whether or not you happen to be eating due to the fact you're bored. This is important in a weight loss diet for women mainly because, once they are identified, you can find alternative ways to fill those moments than with unhealthy foods.
Record your spirits when you eat. This can show you whether or not you use meals to solve emotional issues. It may also identify the foods you choose when you are in certain moods. Many people will reach for junk foods whenever we are disappointed, angry or depressed and will be more likely to choose healthier options when we are happy or content. When you pay attention to how you eat during your different moods and mental states, you will be able to keep similar but healthier choices around for when you need those snacks--you might also start talking to someone who can help you figure out why you try to cure your moods with food.
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